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Sold OutRough Terrain Crane 25ton TADANO GR250N-3 (CREVO250 G3a)

Product Details

ID Number: RC3195-o

*Please tell us id number when you contact us

Type Rough Terrain Crane
Model GR250N-3 (CREVO250 G3a)
Serial FB71xx
Year 2014
Mileage 54,800km
Operating time 15,140hour
Car Inspection 2024.02.14
Crane Inspection 2024.03.24
Delivery place Tohoku area

TADANO GR250N-3 (CREVO250 G3a) 2014yr
- Serial No.  FB71xx
- X-Type outrigger / Power Tilt Jib / TADANO lever
- Mileage  54,800km
- Operating hours  15,140hours
- Consignment sales  / Currently working
- Located in Tohoku area
- SizeLWH 11.53 x 2.62 x 3.49 (m)
- Weight 25,475kg
- Mitsubishi 6M60-TLE3BA  
- Boom/jib length 30.5/8.0-13.0m
- Boom 4 sections/ Jib 2 section

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